eine ordnung in ihrer sukzessiven Erscheinung, Korrelationen in ihrer Gleichzeitigkeit, bestimmbare Positionen in einem gemeinsamen Raum, ein reziprokes Funktionieren, verbundene und hierarchisierte Transformationen. (Michel Foucault: Die ArchÄologie des Wissens, Frankfurt 2020, S. 57)

an arrangement in its gradual appearance, correlations in their simultaneity, defined positions in a common space, a reciprocal functioning, connected and hierarchised transformations: discursive formations

diskursive.formation sees themselves as an artistic researcher who is integrated into a network with which they act, collaborates, positions themselves and reflects. discursive.formation therefore means not just a single artist, but a rhizome that moves around them, other actors with whom they cooperate, a social and political context in which they are located.

diskursive.formation is active in the independent dance and performance scene and as an educational facilitator and community organiser around offenbach and frankfurt am main. works have been shown in london, berlin, zurich, stuttgart, bochum, düsseldorf, porto and madrid.


diskursive.formation is co-founder and collaborator of the collectives gossips, reclaiming dance, archiv* der zärtlichkeit, qtspace and verwilderte fasern.



artistic work: a selection of individual art and performance projects

fotocredit: christin picard
fotocredit: christin picard

facilitation: commissioned projects and educational programme

research: current research projects and academic work