diskursive.formation regard themselves as an opportunity for collaboration, repeatedly launching artistic projects either independently or together. the artists work in the fields of politics, (queer)feminist criticism, public space in various constellations to and approaches of dance, body, performance, installation, text and visual media.

dancE/performance Art

fotocredit: frithjof mohr
fotocredit: frithjof mohr

i don't hear bugs in the city (frankfurt, 2024)

artistic direction, choreography, solodance

how can art make us think about our relationship with insects? anno bolender's first solo project uses dance as a means and looks at this question through the prism of physicality. inspired by the nuances of everyday encounters between insects and humans, dey creates an extraordinary visual and acoustic experience in the city's public space. the performance with design by isabella koeters and sound composition by cat woywod was performed 5 times in different public places in frankfurt from june-august 2024.
more: interview to the project and press article

fotocredit: leo ahlers
fotocredit: leo ahlers

(re)constructing familiarities (Frankfurt, 2024)

curation, research, choreoraphy, performance/dance

7 interviews with trans* and queer people about their relationship to the strange construct we call ‘family’ are at the heart of the performative exhibition. the collective verwilderte fasern invites you to experience these stories in a tangible, heartbreaking, but also heartwarming way. vernissage on 1st June 2024 in the basement of the ehemaliges studierendenhaus bockenheim. the exhibition has already been shown at 2 festivals in bochum and frankfurt in 2024.

fotocredit: leo ahlers
fotocredit: leo ahlers

this will never be completed (Stuttgard, 2024)

artistic direction, choreography, dance

slow movements. the peeling down of layers to the skin. and underneath? the shedding of fabric. of undressing. the female-read body like a seismograph of historically grown sexualisation and the fixation of binary gender identities. the female-read, queer, non-binary body, caught in a never-ending striptease. the multi-layered performance will premiere on january the 17th 2024 at the queer performance festival ‘beyond bodies’ at the württenbergischer kunstverein and was created in collaboration with leo ahlers and lou siebold. the performance was accompanied by a short movie that was shown at sommerwerft festival 2024 and at kinothek asta nielsen in frankfurt 2025.

fotocredit: leo ahlers
fotocredit: leo ahlers

uncrumbling:facelessbodies (Frankfurt, 2023)

artistic direction, choreography, dance, text

‘oh nightcreature, so vanish, and uncrumble me’ - the sexpositive dance and spoken word performance was performed at the museum für angewandte kunst in frankfurt on august 29th 2023. it revolves around sexuality and afab queerness between shame and violence. collaboration with lou siebold and dj slambear. a reprise took place at the sommerwerft festival 2024. more: video from full performance

fotocredit: john hussein flindt
fotocredit: john hussein flindt

Archiv* der Zärtlichkeit: Soft city, inscribed (wiesbaden, 2023)

artistic direction, choreography, performance, concept, text

how can we encounter the city, and ourselves as part of it, tenderly? the installative performance in public space poses questions about the topography of urban norms and leads into a utopian idea of the city as a decaying potential. premiere was on may 13th 2023 during the dance festival wiesbaden tanzt. in 2024, the performance was invited to the festival hessische theatertage in gießen.

fotocredit: marie weine
fotocredit: marie weine

Die Asteroiden (Frankfurt 2023)

concept, performance, text

die asteroiden is a short performance that was created in a mini residency for mobile albania during the implantieren festival 2023. together with the artist lou siebold, it deals with the senselessness of empty spaces. shown on january 13th 2023. In summer 2024 there was a repirse in public space during the "new europpean bauhaus" project by oha frankfurt.

Распад / Zerfall / Dissolution (Berlin 2022)


the experimental theatre text by kyra shmyreva was staged as a scenic reading at the maxim gorki theatre in berlin during queerweek22 by discursive.formation and performed at studio r on september 8th 2022

fotocredit: edith von elzen
fotocredit: edith von elzen

Archiv* der Zärtlichkeit: soft earth, unburned (Darmstadt, OF 2022)

artistic direction, performance, conzept, text

soft earth, unburned is the title of the interdisciplinary performance/video project in collaboration with lukas picard and ira wichert. the artists* approach the field of tension between tenderness, violence and material. the vernissage was on the 13th of august 2022 at the aterlier siegele in darmstadt. on the 31st of July 2023 there was a reprise at the night of dance in frankfurt.
more: film on vimeo by balduin pfeffer

socially engaged art

fotocredit: emmi esefeld
fotocredit: emmi esefeld

fake is reality (Schlüchtern, 2024)

conzept, artistic direction, pedagogical work

what is reality? can we put it to the test? what does it mean to be ‘authentic’ and is that even possible? how do i present myself and how do i imagine others? what is a mistake, a lie? what is fiction, what is narrative? do we always need clarity?
emmi esefeld and anno bolender wanted to stay in the game, in the appearance and in the fake itself with the participating young people - what can the supposedly false, lying, others tell us about us and our so-called ‘reality’? at the end of the project, which lasted several months, there was an exhibition around kadebe in schlüchtern on 13th september 2024.

more: press article

fotocredit: jihae an
fotocredit: jihae an

ever.be.space (Schlüchtern, 2023)

artistic direction, concept, pedagogical work

"art [...] is no longer seeking to represent utopias; rather, it is trying to construct concrete spaces" (nicolas bourriad, relational aesthetics, p. 45)
the project deals with the paradox of simultaneously overabundant space and the lack of space for subcultures and young people in the countryside. together with a group of 12 young people and the artist jihae an, we developed the ever.be.space, which was performed from 4 to 6 november 2023 at the cold market in schlüchtern. the art zine of the same name ‘ever.be.space’ was created
more: press article

fotocredit: réné plantade
fotocredit: réné plantade

resonanz><Raum (FRAnkfurt/OfFenbach, 2022)

choreography, artistic direction, dance pedagogics

the reclaiming dance performance collective worked in a new, inclusive discursive.formation on a piece concept on the theme of participation/resonance/spaces. once again they worked with people with different experiences, ages, with and without disabilities. the result was a performative dance/space installation, which was shown in public space on the 28th and 29th of may.
more: press article and video on youtube

Ich, Du, wir (OFfenbach 2021)

choreography, artistic direction, dance pedagogics

the sociocultural performance dance project took place in summer 2021 in collaboration with keiko schmitt in offenbach and aimed to demonstrate dance potentials for democracy education in the arts. the performance piece ‘me, you, us’, which emerged from the collaboration, premiered in public space in offenbach on september 18th and 19th 2021.
more: press article

Nellie Bly's Kleine Reise um die welt (OFfenbach, 2021)

artistic direction, concept, text, design

this short journey takes readers around the world in offenbach. with reflections on the postcolonial and feminist context of travel literature, the city tour makes transculturaility tangible, which will be published in the urban art project reissaus travel agency in summer 2021 by experimental urban researcher lars maritz. illustrator and writer nicole berns is co-designing the journey.

mixed media Art

fotocredit: alisha soraya
fotocredit: alisha soraya

tentacles (Frankfurt, 2024)

curation, conzept

the queer performance collective
verwilderte fasern invites you to an exhibition on the topic of female and queer anger. anger can sometimes be like long tentacles that reach for you from the depths. from the cold, dark abyss. it can destroy. or it can get sucked in and never go away. and at the same time, anger is an emotion that is incredibly important: it gives us strength to get out of situationsa. the photo exhibition was on open to the public at synnika space at the end of 2024. there was a finissage with an accompanying workshop and performance on the 19th of december.

fotocredit: going mowhere
fotocredit: going mowhere

stimmen der rebellion: Reclaim everything (Bonn, 2024)


the third issue of the feminist magazine featured texts by discursive.formation on the subject of queerness and reclaiming. they performed 2 of the contributions during the vernissage on 10th march 2024 in bonn.
more: online-version of the magazine

fotocredit: helmut bauer
fotocredit: helmut bauer

museum für angewandte zeit (Bochum 2022)

curation, concept, performance

the performative installation deals with the topics of capitalism, time and consumption and uses the childrens story "momo" as stencil for the analysis. it was shown at the zeitzeug festival 2022 in bochum.

fotocredit: tom luca adams
fotocredit: tom luca adams

Archiv* der Zärtlichkeit: Landschaften:Häute:Stoffe (Offenbach 2021)

performance, dance, conzept

the artistic research project by the artist lukas picard deals with the topic of tenderness/touching. this is an important field, especially during the pandemic.
more: website to the online archive by landschaften:häute:stoffe

fotocredit: allison burns
fotocredit: allison burns

I don't stop (FRA, Darmstadt  2021)

choreography, dance

the music video by alison burns for the new song ‘i don't stop’ by diana ezerex tells the story of a freeing dancer. the video has been nominated for the visionale 2021.
more: video on youtube

denkkörperkollektivnetzwerk (frankfurt 2020)


the project was launched during the corona crisis by the author luise meier. the participants explore the phenomenon of the collective in a literary and playful way using the medium of the internet pad. the performative reading at the mousonturm frankfurt did not take place due to corona.
more: online-audiobook

berührungen (frankfurt 2018)

direction, performance

the essayistic short film looks at the phenomenon of touch on three different levels. it was shot in 2018, mainly in frankfurt trains and railway stations. the film was nominated at the visionale 2018.
more: video on youtube