diskursive.formation is concerned with the research fields of art theory, sociology and philosophy. the focus is particularly on the interfaces between the social, art, culture and politics, feminist and power-critical approaches and diversity research. the research and analysis is based on the interest in critically examining and rethinking society and collectivity. an activist approach is intrinsic to this.
ba theater-, film- und medienwissenschaft (main) 2019
goethe-universität, frankfurt
ba germanistik (second) 2019
goethe-universität, frankfurt
ma performative künste in sozialen felder 2023
frankfurt university of applied siences, frankfurt
ma dance: participation, communities and activism (unfinished), since 2023
london contemporary dance school: the place, london
formation de danse inclusive et adaptée 2025
mozaik danse company, montpellier
discursive.formation organised the academic conference as part of the production team, which took place on january the 16th and 17th in frankfurt at the premises of the human rights organisation medico.
the lecture at the symposium on mixed abled dance at the technical university of dortmund focussed on the inclusive dance project reclaiming dance, which discursive.formation is co-leading
the lecture focused on the problem of exclusive tendencies within increasingly inclusive theatre worlds. it was held at the theatre symposium of the university of luxembourg
202o-2022 discursive.formation worked with the international research network U!REKA, which deals with phenomena of public space, especially with ‘urban commons’. the aim is to ask how we can
make urban coexistence more democratic, social and sustainable in order to enable a better future for all.
more: website of the research project
the lecture dealt with the concept of desiring machines according to deleuze and guattari in the context of applied (performance) studies at the annual conference in the uk.
2021-2023 a discursive.formation is created with the interdisciplinary body if knowledge res_collectiva. in december 2021, a series of talks titled ‘einander brauchen. kollektivität in arbeit, kunst und augenblick’ takes place at the ada_kantine. the performative workshop series ‘practicing public. how to come to gether’ followed in autumn 2022. in april 2023, res_collectiva invited dr. bianca ludewig to give a lecture on the topic of ‘creating safer spaces’, followed by a panel discussion ‘collective effort’ in august of the same year.