diskursive.formation works continuously on various activist education initiatives as a project manager, community organiser, art facilitator and education referent.


diskursive.formation gives workshops on topics such as anti-discrimination, queer education or democracy building. they also work as an art and dance educator with the awo youth organisation, at schools, in social institutions and contexts, where they give dance and body-based training. they work in a discrimination-sensitive way.

are you looking for a project organiser or are you interested in an educational workshop or a dance format of discursive.formation?

more: contact for comissions



Educational facilitator and cultural mediation

discursive.formation organises cultural and political education projects with various vulnerable groups

hip-hop trainer at the mafalda mädchen*kulturzentrum, frankfurt 2019-2023

inclusive dance offers with reclaiming dance, open trainings, workshops and hostings at festivals such as the sommerwerft or the frauen* theatre festival, we also offer advanced trainings for interested dance teachers, frankfurt/offenbach since 2021

more: if you want to know more about the offers for dance for all, check out the website of reclaiming dance or our instagram page or write us here


mus-e teacher at primary schools for dance and theatre, offenbach 2023-2024

performance mediation for theater der welt festival, ‘what the f*** is performance-club’, frankfurt/offenbach 2023

workshop for fagdom day festival, ‘introducing: pleasure rooms: a workshop in queering sexpositive spaces’, zurich 2023

culture lab artist in the programme of the crespo foundation/jugendamt frankfurt, dance courses ‘tanz für alle*’ and ‘in rainbows’, frankfurt 2023-2025

school theatre project at the kgs niederrad, ‘mayo ist macht’, frankfurt 2023-2024

projects as an art mediator in rural areas with the cultural education association spinnkultur, ‘ever.be.space’ and ‘fake is reality’, schlüchtern 2023

more: website of spinnkultur

leading the queer department of the youth organisation awo hessen-süd, frankfurt since 2024

PROduction coordinator and project management

discursive.formation works as a production coordinator and in project management for their own projects and other productions

andpartnersincrime, frankfurt 2020-2021
project(s) | after the end of the assembly I, II and III

asha frankfurt, frankfurt 2020-2022
project(s) | diaspora project in bhopal (india) of the society for international cooperation

reclaiming dance, offenbach since 2021
project(s) | me, you, us; resonance><space; amplitude and transFORMAT[i:on]


res_collectiva, frankfurt since 2021

project(s) | einander brauchen, practicing public and qtspace


gossips collective, frankfurt since 2022
project(s) | achschav; hungry; superheroes and summoning surprise
more: press article


building bridges, frankfurt 2024-2025

project(s) | talking about (the silencing of) palestine - international conference


forocredit: inês meireles pereira
forocredit: inês meireles pereira
fotocredit: rocio chacon
fotocredit: rocio chacon